Clayton Keyes
Brick & Mortar Studio: 2310 E Admiral Blvd Tulsa, OK
Keyes Statement
My work is an investigation of the human form, its gestures and postures, and how they may communicate or trigger an emotional response in the viewer. I strive to imbue my sculptures with narratives and emotions that may be difficult to confront, and in which whose form one may find stimulation or allure or maybe something troubling. While these characteristics are what typify my static work, my experiences as a teaching artist have begun to influence and otherwise motivate my interests as an artist to create better opportunities for connection. It has become increasingly important for me to seek a connection to a larger community through learning, collaborating, making, and displaying. There is an inherently collaborative and performative component to teaching, and especially so when teaching in the arts. For me, there is a joy in that. By working in a communal space, whether as teacher or artist, I derive a deeper satisfaction.
2011 MFA Ceramics, University of Tulsa
2000 BFA 3-Dimensional Art, University of Oklahoma
1998 AA Art, Northern Oklahoma College
Teaching Experience
High School: Art 1 - Wheel Throwing - Ceramics - Multiple Figurative Sculpture Workshops, 2-day, 1-day
University: AT 4013 Ceramics Tile Installation – Summer 23 Art 4013 Head in Clay – Summer 23 - ART 4802 Senior Exhibition - ART 3433 Ceramics 2 – ART 4473 Ceramics 3 - ART 3423 Ceramics 1 - ART 2443 Sculpture 1 - ART 2243- Design II - ART 148 Ceramics 1- ART 203 Ceramic Sculpture - ART 330 Intermediate Ceramics: The Ceramic Surface - ART 335 Advanced Ceramics - ART 325 Figure Sculpture - Narrative Wall Mural - sculptural high relief wall sculpture (Mayterm) - ART 475 Senior Seminar - The Head in Clay – (Mayterm) - ART 401 Directed Study Habitats for Bees – SALT Summer Research Crystalline Glazes – ART 300DD Glaze Chemistry (Mayterm)
Faculty, Art Teacher, Charles Page High School, Charles Page Freshman Academy, Sand Springs, OK, 2024-present
Assistant Professor of Ceramics & Sculpture, Northeastern State University, Tahlequah, OK 2021-present
NSU Gallery Director, Spring 2022 & Spring 2023
Chair of the Art Department, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, UT – 2016-2019
Area Head - Ceramics Program, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, UT
Associate Professor of Art, Ceramics, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, UT-Fall 2019- Spring 2021
Assistant Professor of Ceramics, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, UT - Fall 2013-Spring 2019
Letter of Appointment - Fall 2012 - Summer 2013, Prof of Ceramics, Uni. of Nevada, Reno, NV
2011 Figurative Sculpture for the Clay Artist – 8-wk course Cont. Ed. – Univ. of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK
Service - Committee Work
Graduate Committee Member - Adrien Lee, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA
Northeastern State University: Faculty Research Committee 2022-present
Westminster College: Grants and Awards Committee Chair 2020-2021 –
Grants and Awards Committee 2020-2022 –
Chair, Art Dept 2016-2019 –
Peer Review Committee, Prof. Jen Simonds –
Peer Review Committee, Dr. David Kimberly –
Hiring Committee, Microbiology –
E-portfolio Committee –
Summer Activities Committee –
Peer Review Committee, Prof. David Badley –
Peer Review Committee, Prof. Matt Kruback –
Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee 2017-2020
Other Academic Service
Recruitment Efforts:
Sapulpa High School 2-day workshop, Feb 12 & 14, 2024
Northern Oklahoma College Workshop, March 8, 2024
Tahlequah High School Demonstration, March 11, 2024
Holland Hall High School Demonstration, March 13, 2024
Tulsa Community College Demonstration, April 15, 2024
NSU: Use of personal vehicle for transportation of University Materials from Tulsa & OKC to Tahlequah campus for in use in NSU Courses
Movement, redesign, and acquisition of the NSU 3D facilities/materials/equipment to the New Wilson Hall
Westminster College: Bi-Annual Ceramic Sale – Fundraiser for visiting artists and conference attendance
NCECA Conference Attendance with Students –
CCACA Conference Attendance with Students
Enactment of the Visual Arts Enrichment Fund, a partnership with Arrowmont School of Arts and Craft, giving 2 students a week-long workshop at Arrowmont once a year
Professional Development – Workshops, Assistantships, Lectures, Demonstrations
Hollow Form Figure Workshop, Taos Ceramics Center, Taos, NM, August 9-10, 2025
"Sculpted Pet Portraits," Firehouse Art Center, Norman, OK, April 26-27, 2025
Demonstration, Head and Hands, Hazel Modella Gallery, Stillwater, OK, February 15, 2025
Hollow Figure – Human Figure 2 Weekend Workshop, February, 2024
Hollow Form- Human Figure Summer Workshop, July 2023, Red Heat Ceramics, Tulsa, OK
Visiting Artist Workshop and Critique, 3-day workshop, May, Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS
“Floral Delight” 4-week course, Red Heat Ceramics, Tulsa, OK
“Best Foot Forward” 4-day workshop, Red Heat Ceramics, Tulsa, OK
Travel to NYC to spend time attending various Museums/galleries - Research
“Fleshy Bits & Kinky Clay” 2-person exhibition with Adrien Lee, Liggett Studio, Tulsa, OK
“Give us a Hand” 3-Day Workshop, Red Heat Ceramics, Tulsa, OK
Demonstrating Artist, National Council on the Education of Ceramic Arts, Davis CA
Co-creator of the New Studio Figure Drawing bi-monthly drawing sessions, Josh New Studio, Tulsa, OK
“Animal Instincts” 8-week workshop, Red Heat Ceramics Studio, Tulsa, OK
“Hand-built” 2-day workshop, Red Heat Ceramics Studio, Tulsa, OK
“The Head in Clay” 7-week workshop, Red Heat Ceramics Studio, Tulsa, OK
Online Workshop, Pocossin Arts School of Fine Craft, Columbia, NC
Online Workshop, Natsoulas Gallery Workshop Series, Davis, CA
“The Human Figure” 2-day workshop, Kimball Art Center, Park City, UT
Artist Demonstration, MA Doran Gallery, Tulsa, OK
“Rendering the Human Form” Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, NM
Demonstrator, Michigan Mud Conference, Albion, MI
Guest Speaker, Rovin Ceramics, Ann Arbor, MI
Demonstration, Henry Ford College, Dearborn, MI
2-day workshop, Clay Arts Vegas, Las Vegas, NV
2-day workshop, University of Nebraska Kearney, Kearney, NE
“Pentaculum” Invited Artist, Arrowmont School of Art & Craft, Gatlinburg, TN
Summer Workshop Series, Sierra Nevada College, Incline Village, NV
2-day workshop, Hawai’i Potters Guild, Honolulu, HI
Featured demonstrator, 27th Annual California Conference for the Advancement of Ceramic Arts, Davis, CA
Juror, Modern Chair Competition, Mod-a-go-go Furniture & Art, Salt Lake City, UT
Guest Lecturer, California State University Chico, Chico, CA
2-day workshop, Summer Workshop Series, Sierra Nevada College, Incline Village, NV
“Heads and Hands” 2-day workshop, The Wedge Ceramics Studio, Reno, NV
Visiting Artist Lecture, Skyline College, San Francisco, CA
Visiting Artist Workshop and Lecture, Sierra Nevada College, Incline Village, NV
Visiting Artist Workshop and Lecture, Wells Fargo Hall, University of Nevada Reno, Reno, NV
“Sculpting the Figure in Clay” Workshop, Norick Art Center, Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma City, OK
Featured Artist Demonstration, Philbrook Museum of Art Mix Party, Young Master’s Society, Tulsa, OK
“The Figure on Clay” 6-week workshop, Waterworks Art Center, Tulsa, OK
Assistant to Esther Shimazu, Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, NM
Assistant to Cristina Cordova, Penland School of Craft, NC
Scholarship: Selected Exhibitions
Forthcoming – Subterfuge, Solo Exhibition, October 2025, 108 Contemporary, Tulsa, OK
Forthcoming - Paw Prints & Pet Portraits, Firehouse Art Center Gallery, Norman, OK, Feb 20-Apr 30, 2025
Forthcoming - Macro to Micro: A Changing Utah, NCECA Concurrent Exhibition curated by Westminster University, Ceramics Professors, Vanessa Romo & Shasta Krueger, March 17-29, 2025
Ephemeral Echoes, Group Exhibition, Hazel Modella Gallery, Stillwater, OK, Jan 17-Feb 15, 2025
“Farther Down the Road” Solo Exhibition, April 2024, Tulsa Artists Coalition, Tulsa, OK
“State of Craft” Juried Member Exhibition, 108 Contemporary – December – Juror: Mary Anne Jordan
“Oklahomo” Center for Queer Prairie Studies, Tulsa Artist Fellowship Studios, Tulsa, OK
“Not-so-Guilty-Pleasures” National Council for the Education of Ceramic Arts concurrent exhibition. Kondos Gallery, Sacramento, CA *curated by Rebekah Bogard
“Tree of Ceramics” National Council for the Education of Ceramic Arts concurrent exhibition. Natsoulas Gallery, Davis, CA *curated by John Natsoulas
“Fleshy Bits” Liggett Studio, Pride Celebration, Tulsa, OK
Northeastern State University Faculty Art Exhibition, NSU Gallery, Tahlequah, OK
Westminster College Faculty Art Exhibition, Salt Lake City, OK
Solo Exhibition “Leaves and Lovers” MA Doran Gallery, Tulsa, OK
Westminster College Faculty Art Exhibition, Salt Lake City, OK
“Demonstrator Exhibit” Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, NM
“Figurative Condition” Sisson Gallery, Henry Ford College, Dearborn, MI
“Michigan Mud Demonstrating Artists” Albion College, Albion, MI
“Heads Up” Manheim Gallery, Cottonwood, AZ
“Heads and Tails” Clay Arts Vegas, Las Vegas, NV
“Epics, Myths, and Fables” Meyer Gallery, Park City, UT *curated by Russell Wrankle
“Freak Show” Red Lodge Clay Center, Red Lodge, MT * curated by Wesley Harvey
“Strictly Figurative” National Council for the Education of Ceramic Arts concurrent exhibition, Invitational, MCC Penn Valley Community College, Kansa City, MO *curated by Bernadette Torres
“TU Core Connections: University of Tulsa Alumni Ceramics Program Exhibition” Alexander Hogue Gallery, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK *curated by Whitney Forsyth
“Profit Margin” Charlie Cummings Gallery, Gainsville, Fl *curated by Derek Reeverts
“Body Norms: Selections from the Spong Collection” Burchfield Penny Art Center at SUNY, Buffalo St., NY
“Fabulous Figures” Clay Arts Vegas, Las Vegas, NV *jurors: Mark Burns, John Gregg, Peter Jakubowski
“Transforming Hate” Myers Gallery, Living Arts, Tulsa, OK
“30 Ceramic Sculptors” John Natsoulas Gallery, Davis, CA
“1st Annual Figurative Invitational” Red Lodge Clay Center, Red Lodge, MT
“Beginning to End” 3-person show, Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, NM
“Conjuring the Conjugal – Journeys Through the (Un)Imagined” Solo Show, MA Doran Gallery, Tulsa, OK
“Small Favors IV” Invitational, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA
“Push Play” National Council for the Education of Ceramic Arts – Invitational, Bellevue Arts Museum, Bellevue, WA *curated by Linda Ganstrom
“Material Mastery” Kansas Artist Craftsman Association, Eppink Gallery, Emporia State University, Emporia, KS *Juror Elaine O’Henry
“New and Familiar Faces” Featured Artist, MA Doran Gallery, Tulsa, OK
“Realism Show” MA Doran Gallery, Tulsa, OK
“Omens and Prodigies” University of Tulsa MFA Thesis Exhibition, Myers Gallery, Living Arts, Tulsa, OK
“Figurines” National Invitational, Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, NM
“Figuration” Invitational, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA
“Un-Wedged: Contemporary Ceramic Work” Pottery Northwest, Seattle, WA *Juror Andy Nasisse
“Red Heat – National Contemporary Ceramics Exhibition” Alexander Hogue Gallery, Tulsa, OK *Juror Adrian Arleo
“7th Annual Marge Brown Kalodner Graduate Student Exhibition” The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA * Juror Marge Brown Kalodner
“42nd Annual Gussman Student Exhibition” Alexander Hogue Gallery, Tulsa, OK * Juror David Mesple
“44th Annual Nat’l Drawing and Small Sculpture Exhibition” Del Mar College, Corpus Christi, TX * Juror Ron Koehler
“2nd Annual Beyond the Brickyard” Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, MT * Juror Wayne Higby
“41st Annual Gussman Student Exhibition” Alexander Hogue Gallery, Tulsa, OK * Juror Laura Kina
“Momentum” Living Arts Gallery, Tulsa, OK *Juror Sunni Mercer
Art & Dialog Award- Awarded by Mary Anne Jordan, Professor of Art, KU, (State of Craft, 2023, 108 Contemporary)
Tulsa Remote Grant – George Kaiser Family Foundation
Keck Grant – Scientists & Artists Learning Together – Summer Research, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, UT
Keck Grant – Scientists & Artists Learning Together – Summer Research, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, UT
Best of Show, “Fabulous Figures” Clay Arts Vegas, Las Vegas, NV
3rd Place, Graduate, “43rd Annual Gussman Student Exhibition” University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK
Juror’s Choice, “Un-Wedged” 1st Annual Ceramic Competition and Art Show, Seattle, WA
Alpha Rho Tau Scholarship, given annually by the Alpha Rho Tau Art Collective, Tulsa, OK
Compelling Narrative Award, “Red Heat” Contemporary Ceramics Exhibition, Tulsa, OK
First Prize, “7th Annual Marge Brown Kalodner Graduate Student Exhibition,” The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA
Best of Show, “42nd Annual Gussman Student Exhibition,” University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK
Thomas Manhart Award for Excellence in Ceramics, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK
Assistantship Scholarship, Penland School of Craft, Penland, NC
Graduate Assistantship, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Ok
Best of Show, “41st Annual Gussman Student Exhibition.,” University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK
Jerry Jones Advanced Research Award, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Ok
Graduate Assistantship, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK
Graduate Assistantship, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK
Juror’s Choice Award, “Outart” Individual Artists of Oklahoma Gallery, Oklahoma City, OK
2024 Independent Review Crew, ““The State of Craft” at 108 Contemporary,” by Alicia Chesse, January 8th
2023 Hyperallergic, “A Visit to Tulsa’s Center for Queer Prairie Studies,” by Lucas Ondak, Sept, 7th, 2023
2018 NCECA Journal, Volume 39, pg. 135
2017 The Mirror News, “The Figurative Condition: Humanity Reflected in Mud” Sarah Williams Volume 43, Issue 3 November 6, 2017
2014 Ceramic Sculpture Making Faces, Lark Books, Alex Irvine, pg. 104
2014 500 Figures, Volume 2 Lark Books, Juror: Nan Smith
2013 “Silhouettes” Randi O’Brien, Ceramics Monthly Magazine, November
2013 “25th Annual CCACA 2013: The Ceramic Sculpture Conference” Exhibition Catalogue, John Natsoulas Gallery
2012 “Ceramics Cycle: Figurative Imagery of Christine Golden, Clayton Keyes, and Aisha Harrison” Michael Abatemarco, Pasatiempo Magazine, pgs. 52-53, December 14.
2012 “Push Play: The 2012 NCECA Invitational” Exhibition Catalogue, Linda Ganstrom & Stefano Catalani, pgs.32-33 (text/image)
2012 “Eye-Popping Ceramic Art at BAM, the Henry and Beyond” Michael Upchurch, The Seattle Times, March 4, 2021, Seattle, WA
2012 ”Figuration at the Clay Studio Exhibition Review” Colette Copeland, Ceramics: Art and Perception, Issue 87
2012 “Dark Childhood Push Play: The 2012 NCECA Invitational” Matthew Kangas, Ceramics Monthly Magazine, April (text/image)
2012 “Reinterpreting Childhood” Jen Hopper, Tulsa People Magazine, April (text)
2012 “Beyond the Brickyard, 2nd Annual National Juried Exhibition” Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, MT, catalog (text/image)
2012 “Report from the NCECA Conference” Myra Block Kaiser, Brady Craft Alliance Blog,, pg.4, April (text/image)
2012 “TAC’s Tulsa Taboo: More than Naughty Bits” Jane McCormick, OVAC Blog,, July 12, 2012
2011 “Artist Interview: Joshua Meier” Eileen Rafferty, In Butterflies and Anvils: A Photographic Journal about Inspiration ad Art issue 4, Fall: 2011 pg. 10-43
Professional Memberships
National Sculpture Society 2024-current
108 Contemporary 2021, 2023, 2024
ArtAxis: a curated, evolving independent network of artists (2012-current)
American Craft Council (2012)
Kansas Artist Craftsmen Association (2011)
Tulsa Artist Coalition (2011)
Oklahoma Visual Coalition (2009-2010, 2021)
National Council for the Education of Ceramics Arts (NCECA) (2000, 2008-2016, 2022, 2025)